SAM Mopedcross Events 2024
The official race dates for licensed drivers of the Swiss Automobile and Motorcycle Federation. Subject to change without notice. You can find the latest information on the Website of SAM.
13 April | Wohlen AG | |
10-11 Mai | Schongau LU | |
1-2 Juni | Ebersecken LU | |
29-30 Juni | Ramsen SH | |
6-7 Juli | Agasul ZH | |
9-10 August | Eschenbach SG | |
30 August - 1 September | Koppigen BE | |
7 September | Gampel VS | |
14 September | Hilfikon AG | |
5 Oktober | Wängi TG |
SIP Matscho Karatscho
Date: 27 July 2024
Place: Landsberg am Lech BY, Germany
The SIP MATSCHO KARATSCHO is a scooter cross race on the company's own, lovingly built race track, right on the doorstep of the SIP headquarters in Landsberg. The 470-meter-long track has many a highlight: pendulum, ditch, washboard, seesaw, jumps, tight bends and a 180-degree banked turn.
Datum: 17.-18. August 2024
Ort: Ennetmoos NW, Schweiz
Teffli-Rally, ein ganz normales Teffli-Rennen? Nein! Auf keinen Fall – die drei Kategorien «Die Königsklasse des Teffli-Tuning», «Back to the Roots» und «Kreativität ohne Grenzen» garantieren Abwechslung. Die Teffli-Rally lebt von den Besuchermassen, welche sich um den Dirty-Circle drängen und mit den Teffli-Piloten mitfiebern und gemeinsam feiern.
Bock uf Mofa
Datum: 6-8 September 2024
Ort: Gampel VS, Schweiz
The cult ride in Valais! This year, the moped tour through the beautiful Valais mountain landscape will be accompanied by a spectacular moped cross race in the evening. So you can combine watching Mopedcross with a leisurely ride.